we want genuine sites and owners who have realistic aspirations for their land or property...
MML Investments Limited
80 Commercial Square, Freemens Common,
Leicester LE2 7SR.
Registered in England
No. 6336077

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Website designed and
managed by BDC Europe

14 Apartments developed and let out on long-term lease to
Housing Group


The site was sold to a Nursery Group, for conversion into a
nursery facility.
Investing in property and development opportunities...
If you are the owner of a site and want to sell to a company you can trust, please give us a call today on:

01892 524163
alternatively you can contact:

David Gregory    07802 984866
Sanjay Lakhani    07711 102310
MML Investments acquires mixed use and residential sites in key locations around the UK.

We have the inhouse ability to assess, acquire, plan and manage the development of our schemes.

With over ten years experience, we have developed sites in Birmingham, Clerkenwell, Kidderminster, Leicester, Malvern and Stafford.

We like to work directly with owners,
to ensure that both parties benefit from
the process.
we are primarily developers who acquire sites, with and without planning...