we want genuine sites and owners who have realistic aspirations for their land or property...
MML Investments Limited
80 Commercial Square, Freemens Common,
Leicester LE2 7SR.
Registered in England
No. 6336077

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Website designed and
managed by BDC Europe

14 Apartments developed and let out on long-term lease to
Housing Group


The site was sold to a Nursery Group, for conversion into a
nursery facility.
Investing in property and development opportunities...
If you are an owner or an agent representing an owner, who want a buyer capable of making quick decisions, please contact us.*

Please ensure that you can provide clear evidence that there are no enforceable covenants, which would restrict the development of your site. We believe in looking at all the basic legal facts from day one, before  wasting anyone's time and money.

*Subject to Contract, the normal process and conditions will apply
1    Land defined within an LDP, without planning
2    Land with outline planning
3    Land with full planning consent
4    Permitted Development opportunities

Our present requirement is for schemes up to 20 units with a maximum capital investment of £5M.

> MML Requirements PDF
We are looking for sites which fall within the following criteria: